Emergency Room Staff
MedDataNet recognizes the vital role that Emergency Room Staff
play in emergency medicine, saving patient lives, and setting ER policy.
MedDataNet has worked very closely with the American College of Emergency
Physicians (ACEP) and its FACEP members in designing our products
and establishing our protocols for critical patient medical records information.
MedDataNet has established a Medical Board of Advisors which includes ACEP
and FACEP members and other director of emergency medicine.
Our medical Advisor Board has aided MedDataNet in formulating
our software and Medpage so that critical medical information is registered
by member/users, which could save their life in an emergency.
MedDataNet is making its ER-1000 Kit™ and access to its service network
available to all US and international ER’s free of charge. ER’s are
encouraged to contact MedDataNet to receive the free kit and password
access to our website. Only valid and licensed medical providers
are eligible for these free programs.