Products and Services
MedDataNet has designed all its products and services to meet the demands
and expectations of our customers.
All products are designed in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Design Standards and Good Manufacturing Practices.
All product are made from high quality materials which are hypoallergenic
and safe for use with sensitive skin.
The MedData™ products come in several popular styles that have been
designed for women, men, children, and for unisex use.
MedDataNet realizes that its customers want style choices and we are
being responsive to your needs.
The MedData™ products work in conjunction with
the MedData Network™. Each MedData™
product is personalized to it's owner/user with a unique six digit code. This code
acts as a password to access your medical data which is securely stored on your
personal Medpage within our website. Authorized and licensed medical providers
and ER personnel can access your medical data only with a unique physician password code.
Thus, your medical data is double password protected for added security & confidentiality.
For your convenience, the cost of the basic MedData™ product
and MedData Network™ access are included in our
pricing as a fixed package price.
See How to Order Products for Pricing